Readers' Corner!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Are We There Yet?

Church is so far away that we can watch a movie on the way there, and we have to take a bathroom break half way there. Now I know what you are thinking, why go to church so far away? Well the main reason is when I'm in a family integrated church I learn more than I do in a normal church. We love our church. The people there are so sweet and so kind and in love with God.

If a Lady is taking, let's say, a basket full of food to her car, a boy will run up and ask if he can take it to her car for her.

We leave our home at about 10:00 am and get back home at around 11:00 pm.

God works in mysterious ways.

May God bless you and keep you and shine brightly to show you what to do.


Daughters of Virtue said...

Hey, Josiah!

Great post! I love your church, and hope we can come visit again sometime. The people there are very friendly!


Unknown said...


I am glad you feel that way about our church! Sorry that you have to drive so far, now I know how boaring it can get! Most likley it doesn't get too boaring if Essie is talking!!HEEHEE!! That is very true about our church, hope you can come back sometime too Carrie!


Josiah Johnson said...

Very funny Chelsea Essie doesn't talk that much!

Josiah Johnson said...

Umm! Maybe!