Readers' Corner!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rubik's Cubes

For about a year my brother Matt has been doing the Rubik's cube. Just a week ago, we (as in my Dad, Matt, my other brother David, and I) went to a Rubik's cube competition in a eight hour drive to Ohio State. A week after that, I (as well as my family) were able to finish the Rubik cube all the way, but not near as fast as Matt can.

Even though we can solve the cube, we have a lot to learn. It's a lot like how we continue to grow after we are saved.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Are We There Yet?

Church is so far away that we can watch a movie on the way there, and we have to take a bathroom break half way there. Now I know what you are thinking, why go to church so far away? Well the main reason is when I'm in a family integrated church I learn more than I do in a normal church. We love our church. The people there are so sweet and so kind and in love with God.

If a Lady is taking, let's say, a basket full of food to her car, a boy will run up and ask if he can take it to her car for her.

We leave our home at about 10:00 am and get back home at around 11:00 pm.

God works in mysterious ways.

May God bless you and keep you and shine brightly to show you what to do.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Look out, Acorns

In are Family we don't use Paintballs or Airsoft guns we use Acorns.
Yes it hurts but it fun, we all played it but my mother she need
rest for a long day at church!
So the next time you need something to do with your frinds use
Acorns unless you and your friends have paintballs or airsoft guns
I think you need to use it just so you don't have to get Acorns just
off the ground and waste time just picking up Acorns.